Hey there,

James Ioriatti.

I build applications for the web.

Full Stack Web Developer.

Check out my work.
More about me.

Experience & Education

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Northwestern Full Stack Web Development Coding Bootcamp

April, 2023

  • Learned technologies such as React, Node.js, MySQL, and MongoDb to develop full-stack applications through a rigorous 24-week program.
  • Worked with the Google Developer Cloud Platform to integrate Google Maps API and Google One-Tap sign-in features into a charity-event-hosting application on a team of four over the course of twelve days.
  • Developed the core search functionality and UX for a Magic The Gathering deck-creating application that leveraged the expansive Scryfall REST API to allow users to dynamically search, view, and select cards from the entire MTG catalog. The application was developed on a team of three over the course of twelve days.
  • Utilized Rainforest API, an Amazon products API, to develop search functionality and product display pages for a perfume e-commerce website where users could search for fragrances based on their preferred scents. The application was developed on a team of four over the course of twelve days.
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May, 2019

  • CFA level II candidate. Passed CFA Level I Exam December, 2019.
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NJCAA Student Athlete

May, 2014

  • NJCAA Division 3 Baseball, All-Area, All-Region.


Prior to the start of my coding journey I had worked as a bricklayer for several years. Not quite where I expected to be after earning a degree, I nonetheless made a committment to be the best bricklayer I could be. Every brick layed with a purpose - such was my mentality then as it is now for coding.

Every line written with a purpose.

Thank you to the Northwestern University Coding Bootcamp team for allowing me to discover this facsinating, new passion.

Check out my work.