
Next.js 13
MongoDB Atlas
Framer Motion
Spotify Web API

Next.js 13

MongoDB Atlas

Framer Motion


Spotify Web API

Spotify Web API

Aria utilizes Spotify's Web API to provide users access to content and streaming services from Spotify. After searching for an artist, the user is presented with top tracks, albums and singles of that artist. Users can listen to 30 second previews of all content presented, and in future iterations will be able to log in with their Spotify Premium account to listen to full-length tracks.

Database Integration

Aria uses Prisma ORM and MongoDB to persist all users' listened-to tracks and artists, as well as favorited tracks. Future development may include a rating system in which all users' ratings will be aggregated to display the highest rated songs of each genre.

History, Recent Artists, and Favorites

Users can quickly play, pause, favorite, or unfavorite their 20 most-recently listened to tracks in the sidebar without having to redirect to another page, or leave the artist page they're currently browsing. Likewise, a user's most-recently veiwed artists as well as favorited tracks will all be accessible in the same manner. Stay tuned.

Google OAuth

Aria includes Google OAuth integration with NextJs to allow users to create an account and sign in with their gmail account for quick and easy account creation/log in.

Dynamic Color

When a user interacts with a song, the background of the song display will change colors to that of the songs artwork.